速報APP / 健康塑身 / How To Stop A Panic Attack

How To Stop A Panic Attack





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




How To Stop A Panic Attack(圖1)-速報App

Do you sometimes get a sudden overwhelming feeling of disabling anxiety? If yes then that could be your panic attack.

It is very important for us to understand that we must know ways reduce it and control it. Panic attacks are not good for one’s health. It also affects work efficiency of the individual and surroundings.

Here are few of the helpful tricks which will effectively help you control it.

Our app covers several essential categories which take care of your needs. We provide a pre-defined checklist and also allow you to customize features according to your needs and requirements.

How To Stop A Panic Attack(圖2)-速報App

This app provides a different kind of techniques for different people.

 This app will organize and take into account

Panic Attack Symptoms

How To Calm Anxiety

How To Stop A Panic Attack(圖3)-速報App

What Causes Panic Attacks

How To Stop An Anxiety Attack

What Does An Anxiety Attack Feel Like

How To Help Someone Having A Panic Attack

How To Stop A Panic Attack(圖4)-速報App

How Long Does A Panic Attack Last

Ways To Cope With Anxiety

How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Naturally

How To Stop A Panic Attack While It's Happening

How To Stop A Panic Attack(圖5)-速報App

How To Stop Panic Attacks Forever

How To Stop Panic Attacks At Night

What To Do After A Panic Attack 

Recognize The Physical Symptoms

How To Stop A Panic Attack(圖6)-速報App

Control Your Breathing

Take Prescription Medication

Try To Continue Your Activity

Avoid Running Away

How To Stop A Panic Attack(圖7)-速報App

Meditation And Mindful Breathing

Visualize A Safe Place


Focus On Relaxing Your Muscles

How To Stop A Panic Attack(圖8)-速報App

Limit Stimuli

If you struggle with any techniques here, we help you will video tutorials as well.

If you enjoy your experience and want to share it with your friends and family then we will help you with that.

So what are you waiting for, download the app now and get going…

How To Stop A Panic Attack(圖9)-速報App

We have EBook Recommendations as well as a place to submit your own tips and get a chance to be featured in this app.